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Staying happily married throughout counseling

Relations are complicated

When a couple turns towards one another, they make and respond with what we call ‘Bids For Connection.’ Bids can range from small things, like trying to get your attention by calling out to you, to bigger things, such as asking for deeper needs to meet. Happy couples are able to recognize when their partner is making bids and stop whatever they’re doing to engage.

Marriage and other committed, monogamous relationships involve imperfect people trying to navigate an imperfect world together. While creating a strong relationship requires effort, struggle, and suffering; the joy, connection, friendship, support, and love make the journey worthwhile.
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Techniques for handling PTSD

Grounding techniques are an invaluable coping tool for people suffering with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSS).

At its core, PTSS is a disorder that keeps us stuck in the past. However, grounding techniques can help us reconnect with the present.

Finding grounding techniques that work for your PTSD symptoms has been a long journey. While grounding techniques may not work for everyone, they’re worth trying out if you’re struggling with PTSS.
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