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Making connections in group therapy

If you’re facing an illness or stress, you don’t have to go it alone!

A support group can help you find others who’ve faced your challenges before. You’ll learn about what works best for you. Support groups bring together those who are going through or who have already gone through similar experiences. Common ground includes cancer, chronic illness, addiction, bereavement, and caregiving.

A support group provides a place where people can come together to discuss issues they may not feel comfortable discussing elsewhere.
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Why group therapy works

More often than not we are left alone with the problems we face.

We try and tackle these problems all by ourselves. When we find ourselves in trouble, we may turn to our closest friends or family members to help us out. Sometimes this helps, but a lot of times it doesn’t. A lot of people who are close to us may not know how to deal with us or they may not really care about helping us. They may even tell us what we should do instead of just letting us talk. That is why support group meetings were created.
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Staying happily married throughout counseling

Relations are complicated

When a couple turns towards one another, they make and respond with what we call ‘Bids For Connection.’ Bids can range from small things, like trying to get your attention by calling out to you, to bigger things, such as asking for deeper needs to meet. Happy couples are able to recognize when their partner is making bids and stop whatever they’re doing to engage.

Marriage and other committed, monogamous relationships involve imperfect people trying to navigate an imperfect world together. While creating a strong relationship requires effort, struggle, and suffering; the joy, connection, friendship, support, and love make the journey worthwhile.
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The basics of meditation

Every day life can be full of stressful moments.

A delayed commute, a set back at work, the pressure of upcoming bills, parental duties feeling too much, or a fight with a loved one. Different situations on different days can leave anyone feeling exhausted for different reasons. And all this added to already stressful conditions where the human mind is never at rest, always thinking from one topic to another, and of other obligations. Is it no wonder that the mind struggles to relax at the end of a stressful day.
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