Mental health in the transgender community

Mental health concerns are commonplace – about 1 in 5 people experience them during any given year.

However, the rates among transgender individuals are even higher. Many transgender people suffer from one or more mental health issues.

While there are many reasons why transgender individuals may suffer from mental illness, one reason is because of the negative attitudes held towards transgender people. Transgender people are often treated poorly, and can face discrimination and harassment simply because of how they identify themselves. Some transgender people also face physical attacks, including rape and murder.

If you’re struggling with your gender identity, having supportive people around you can really make a big difference. Unfortunately, not every person who identifies as transgender has access to the kind of support network that could really make a positive impact on their life. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to help however you can. Here are some ways you can lend a hand.

To be clear, gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder. However, people who experience gender dysphoria often suffer from high levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Transgender individuals also have the highest rates for mental health issues compared to any other group within the LGBT community.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health concerns in the U.S., affecting approximately one in five Americans. Amongst the transgender community, rates are far greater, with some research showing that nearly every trans person experiences anxiety.

Up to 79% percent of trans children experience anxiety, based on results of the Trevor Project’s national survey of LGBTQ youth.

While there are certainly reasons why someone might consider taking his or her own life, there is no single cause for suicidal thoughts. In fact, the number of suicides is actually lower than we would expect. According to the American Foundations for Suicide Prevention, only around 0.5 percent of Americans make an attempt each year. That means that roughly 1 out of every 200 people who think about killing themselves will actually go through with it. Unfortunately, the transgender population faces much higher rates of suicide attempts. About 55 percent of transgender youth reported attempting suicide in the past 12 months, according to the National Center for Transgender Equality’s Youth Survey.

Other factors that contribute towards higher rates of mental illness amongst transgender people include discrimination, transphobic attitudes, financial insecurity and poor physical health.

People who are transgender do not always have the same rights that gender conforming individuals have, such as trying to get housing, public accommodation, health care, and using restrooms that match their gender. Being able to understand and speak out against discrimination and bias can be a way to express support for those who are transgender.

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