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Depression and Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction and depression often go hand-in-hand.

In many cases, people with a gambling addiction may also have depression or may develop depression as a result of their gambling behavior. This connection between the two disorders can make treatment especially challenging, as it may be necessary to address both conditions simultaneously in order to achieve a successful outcome.

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Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a serious illness that affects millions of people

Sometimes, it can feel hard to evaluate your own behavior (or someone else’s). Here are some questions to ask yourself about your gambling habits.

Signs to watch out for

You are preoccupied by constant thoughts about gambling. If you find yourself constantly thinking about gambling, either about the last time you gambled, when you plan to gamble next, or how you can acquire more money to gamble with; it might be a sign of an unhealthy relationship with the activity. Thinking about it occasionally, or once in awhile, is one thing, but if it begins to cloud your vision and consume your mind, you may have a problem with gambling.
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Being a parent to teenagers

Being a parent is harder than most realize

Parents are people, and as such they have a finite amount of emotional energy and strength, which can easily get depleted by a rebellious teen. In fact, though you do love your teenager, you may find yourself feeling hurt, angry, resentful, distrusting, grieving, anxious, lonely, and so forth. You may also feel that your teenager is constantly trying to push your buttons, and that he or she is doing it all at once!
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Techniques for handling PTSD

Grounding techniques are an invaluable coping tool for people suffering with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSS).

At its core, PTSS is a disorder that keeps us stuck in the past. However, grounding techniques can help us reconnect with the present.

Finding grounding techniques that work for your PTSD symptoms has been a long journey. While grounding techniques may not work for everyone, they’re worth trying out if you’re struggling with PTSS.
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